Thursday, November 1, 2018

Shake it out! Moving & Minimizing 1

A huge part of my movement practice has become moving in ways that my body wants to move because it is telling me to move, under the most stressful circumstances like school and sometimes even most non-stimulating circumstances like laying, sitting, or standing meditation.  I want my body to tell me how to heal it, so I give it respect in all that I do for it, constantly learning new things from it, and even others, even animals, even plants. 

One thing I have learned is about shaking the body, fully aware of it, but letting the body sort of do its own thing.  To start, you may focus on shaking at one joint and move to the next beneath it, like the shoulder, the elbow, then the wrist, even the fingers (which may take practice but you can still move them back and forth, slowly or rapidly).  This doesn't need to be so thorough but again, take full awareness, presence and loving energy into the action.  The shoulders hips and spine are so densely tensed for many, so doing this should help alleviate your body to a degree.  Just keep in mind that this is one of many new ways to move your body.  You aren't a shaking animal, but you can shake, as well as dance, climb, crawl, run, hike, and so many other things.  Enjoy this as a new thing to apply to your movement each day, maybe before or after or during other modes.  Get creative.

You have most certainly seen an animal shake its body, either because it was wet or it just has a lot of energy.  It seems there are so many social circumstances that I have been in where my body which I was tuned into, told me one thing to move, while the boredom and stagnation of the people around me told me not to.  We might shake our bodies before a competition because of nerves or when we are dancing, now there even is a name for a specific shaking: twerking.  However, so many will rarely elect to even begin these physical events and opportunities, which is unfortunate because they are fun and often excellent to the body.  I find that humans are special in their ignorance of the body, and I invite you to explore its many secrets.

Grant Big Fruit

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Free Floo Womb of Hers

Concerns run around faster than I get to the next town.  I pack all my things that are not mine into a car that is also more so, not mine.  Drop it off, scavenge thru, sit and soothe, surf and numb, fast for space, a slower pace.  Driving up to the city, I have left behind gravity.  The claim is community.  But this tree always speaks better than "woke" devotee.  Why do we speak to start?

I pay toll and toll until we will have scheduled space in foreign place, complete with opportunistic haste.  Not alone, not all one, I flow slower and lower, until all our vibes exhaust.  Prius exhaust, fill with gas.  Inhale city gas. exhale mostly me, supposedly grounded mass.  Play on words I wish I could make, but no names in this story, or are there?  I love her, but current is not of her mind, I slowly, lowly bother her with this come-bother computer.  When is love?

Have I told you how epic I feel regardless of how i deal? Ideal or I feel, you feel?  I have no blame, like I said no name, but I do aim to un tame, defame, 'void maim, love dame.

Does she have any idea? 

I can only account for here and now, and pray for yah, leave from ma, give to 'llah.  We can connect and dissect.  All can dissolve this sect with love and sex, to touch her next, flow of hers fruits flowers to fill towers so we do not live in those cursed places away from Her.

"My" strength has been built by Her, can I simply share it with her daughter, ought to feel her love, sought to be made of pure her, purer, purrre.

grant Big Fruit to yah